Are There Any Real Professional Governors?

Akbar Nurlybayev
1 min readMay 18, 2020

Why, as a democratic society, every four years or so, we gamble and elect random people to govern? Governing is a job. It is a tough job, especially at the highest levels. It requires at least a broad knowledge of the nation’s and global history, philosophy, culture, and art. It also requires an understanding of economics and other social sciences to make decisions for the benefit of society rather than an aristocracy.

Photo: Library of Parliament / Martin Lipman

We don’t run any of our other social institutes that way. We do not randomly choose our corporate leaders. Our military commanders are chosen based on merit. The leader of the Catholic Church is elected from the select number of very experienced servants of faith.

Unlike the other social institutes, the decisions made by elected leaders have a real, often lasting impact on society. So why, come elections, our choices limited to people often with questionable values, credentials and limited experience? Where are all of the professionals?

There must be a better way to organize the governance of society…

Originally published at



Akbar Nurlybayev

Father. Husband. Software Engineering Manager at TradeRev. We are hiring! Toronto, 🇨🇦